Friday, October 7, 2016



This week was fantastic! Last Monday after I emailed you, we went to Santa Cruz to find some shoes for my dearest comp...we left there having spent way to much money on ice cream and some shoes that we thought were fantastic but actually were horrible and in the words of Sister Clark "I bought diabetic elf shoes for 170 reales!" To be quite honest, they are really funny looking. But after she wore them she had 9 blisters :( but I'm here to tell y'all that God has a sense of humor because the next day during comp study we found Romans 10:15- give it a read!

Also this week a less active member called us and asked us to visit her so we went there and turns out she wanted marriage advice and I didn't have a clue what to say and neither did my comp. (Missionaries don't think about at all) And she was crying. And it looked like it was gonna be a disaster, but then I remembered that the Spirit would actually be the one helping her, and in the end it turned out all right.

Also that one young man that turned up at church last week? yeah he's probs the best investigator that ever existed. We met with him this week and he's reading the Book of Mormon. When we returned and asked him if he prayed, he gave a beautiful testimony of how he knows the book is true and how he felt when he received an answer to his prayer. The Spirit was so strong. I know that the Lord prepares people to for us to teach. Also homeboy watched conference with us and his favorite talk was Elder Anderson's about missionary work and man it just touched my heart. I love being a missionary so much. Every single day I see miracles and feel the Spirit so strongly as we testify of the reality of Christ and His divine love for all of us and His amazing plan of happiness. I know that Christ lives and loves us. 

line of the week
*after a session of conference*
Me 'Sister, were you sleeping during conference?"
Sister Clark "Um...look Sister I slept during work! I have a problem."
Me "You worked at a doctors office!"
Sister Clark "and at a theater!"

part 2
Sister Clark "what are you writing your family this week?"
Me "Our Cinderella experience"
Sister Clark "hmm maybe I'll just respond to my family's questions"

have a great week
love you guys!
Sister Jolley