Also my training is done (bless up) but I'm so sad that Sister Portilho is leaving- honestly already cried and she hasn't left yet... :(
But in other news-
We went to Porto Alegre on this week to finish up my training and SISTER COREY WAS THERE SO BLESS UP Y'ALL IT WAS GREAT-- LOVE HER-- The training was fantastic y'all, learned tons and during the training we always do these practice things where missionaries pretend to be investigators and two missionaries teach and then todo mundo talks about what you did right and what you need to improve on- AND GUESS WHAT- I WAS CALLED TO DO A PRACTICE IN FRONT OF TODO MUNDO AND THE INVESTIGATOR WAS NONE OTHER THAN THE MISSION PRESIDENT HIMSELF WOWE Y'ALL-TALK ABOUT PRESSURE- Sister Corey taught with me (BLESS UP- just like the good old days at the CTM)
But I'll have y'all know that we spent Thursday night there in Porto Alegre, and by we I mean like 30 sisters in one house and we didn't have quite enough beds, so I "slept" on the floor. It reminded me of camping out for football games- yeah I didn't sleep a wink. It was so cold and the floor was so hard- lolz what even is mission life?
Also I had yet again another encounter with the Word of Wisdom, I was making a chocolate cherry cake for our baptism this Sunday and our District Leader called and I was talking with him. I told him that I was making a "bolo de chocolate e cerveja" and he was like "really sister, cerveja?" and then everyone started laughing and making jokes about how I really am the drunkard of the mission. And there I am, little Sister Jolley who hasn't got a clue what's going on, just trying to plan a good baptismal service, ya know? Anyway turns out cerveja is actually beer and cereja is cherry. MAN OH MAN. SECOND LANGUAGES ARE ROUGH Y'ALL
And then our baptism fell through this Sunday and I cried for all of sacrament meeting. But, he'll be baptized next week or y'all will see me sitting there in El Paso 5th ward on the 18th of September. HAHA JOKES I'M NEVER GOING HOME
Quote of the week
*while making contacts*
Stranger "Wow you guys speak Portuguese really well for being foreigners"
Me "Ahh thanks"
*walking away*
Love y'all
Sister Jolley